Homesync Updates and New Features

Homesync Updates and New Features-hero-img

We're happy to announce an array of new features for our users.
All updates are available immediately and can be taken fully advantage of with our latest mobile applications in both the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store

RSS Search

RSS feeds contains extensive amounts of information. Homesync provides tools to organize your feeds with lists, but sometimes that still doesn't cut it. To simplify RSS feeds, we have implemented RSS Search. Using keywords, you can now quickly find a relevant RSS post regardless of whether or not you follow that RSS feed.

Looking for a post about Real Estate? Just search 'real estate' and receive a complete feed of all posts that talk about real estate. Our new RSS search makes it very easy for you to find content to post to your social networks.

Reporting Tools

Analytics from all the social networks can quickly become a huge hassle to track and analyze, so we have done our best to do that for you. Introducing weekly templates which will analyze all your social network analytics and postings and return an easy to read report and an overall grade of how you are performing.

Reports are created on a weekly basis and tell you where you are doing well and where there is room for improvement. An easy to track "Score" is also given weekly for each of your profiles which allows you to set a goal for your future social media postings.

Advanced Scheduling

Homesync has always had scheduling functionality built right in for all the social networks supported. In addition to drag-and-drop templates, we have extended template scheduling to include weekly intervals of your choice. This allows you to create a schedule that will post something every week, two weeks, or three weeks. You can create intervals up to a year apart!

Press + Hold Functionality

We listened to our users and found that many of you love scrolling through feeds! While endlessly scrolling through Twitter, Reddit, or an RSS feed is great, getting back to the top can be a hassle after you've done it for a longer period of time. We've studied how to fix this and come up with new functionality in our mobile applications.

Press and Hold for additional functionality

When using our latest applications, you can access additional functionality on any screen. Accessing the additional functionality is easy:

  1. Press and hold any part of the screen
  2. Hold until the blue circle reaches it's full size
  3. Additional functionality buttons will appear on the screen

The Press + Hold functionality is very helpful for easily scrolling back to the top of the screen, or accessing a link that may have been at the beginning of your feed

For any comments or suggestions feel free to reach out to us on social media or via email at

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