

Business Account Only


Homesync’s pipelines allow you to easily manage workflows. Whether you’re keeping track of sales, managing software development, or following a job workflow, pipelines gives you the flexibility to efficiently keep your tasks organized.


What is a pipeline?

A pipeline is a single workflow. A single pipeline can contain multiple stages. Each stage can have multiple items.


What is a pipeline stage?

A pipeline stage is a specific point of a workflow. For example, if you are using a pipeline to track sales, you could have a stage for ‘Leads’ and another stage for ‘Contacted’. In this scenario, you could add a contact to the ‘Leads’ stage, then when you’ve contacted the lead, you could drag the contact to the ‘Contacted’ stage.


Each stage can have items that can be moved from one stage to another.


What is a pipeline item?

A pipeline item is a single task of a workflow. Items can be moved in between different stages in a pipeline. In a sales pipeline, an item could have a contact attached so you can track which stage of the sales process a prospective client is in.


Pipeline items allow you to store an array of information for tracking. A pipeline item can have:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Attached Files

  • Attached contacts

  • Assigned users

  • Labels

  • A Due Date

  • A potential dollar value or a point value

How to create a pipeline

  1. Click ‘Pipelines’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the ‘Create new pipeline’ box

  3. Create a name for your pipeline

  4. Click ‘Save’


How to edit a pipeline

  1. Click ‘Pipelines’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the pipeline you wish to edit.

  3. Click the options (three dots) button at the top right corner of the screen

  4. Click `Edit Pipeline` in the drop down.

  5. Edit the fields you want to change

  6. Click ‘Save’

How to delete a pipeline

Deleting a pipeline will delete all the stages and items within the pipeline.


  1. Click ‘Pipelines’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the pipeline you wish to edit.

  3. Click the options (three dots) button at the top right corner of the screen

  4. Click `Delete Pipeline` in the drop down.

  5. Confirm you want to Delete the pipeline


How to create a pipeline stage.


  1. Click ‘Pipelines’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the pipeline you wish to add a stage to

  3. Scroll as far right as possible ( swipe on mobile ).

  4. Click the “+ Add new Stage” button

  5. Create a stage name and description

  6. Click Save