
Business account required

The contacts tool allows you to keep your contacts organized. Contacts also works closely with pipelines which helps you manage workflows.

Creating a contact

  1. To create a contact click ‘Contacts’ in your navigation bar.

  2. Click Create Contact

  3. Fill out the available fields.

  4. Click Save

Editing a contact

  1. Click ‘Contacts’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the name of the contact you’d like to edit

  3. Once the contact has loaded, click the options button on the top right of the first contact panel which has the contacts name

  4. Click ‘Edit’ in the dropdown menu

  5. Edit the available fields

  6. Click save


Deleting a contact

  1. Click ‘Contacts’ in your navigation bar

  2. Click the name of the contact you’d like to edit

  3. Once the contact has loaded, click the options button on the top right of the first contact panel which has the contacts name

  4. Click ‘Delete’ in the dropdown menu

  5. Confirm you would like to delete this contact


Importing Contacts

Desktop Only

You can easily import contacts into homesync using an excel file. Homesync can import contacts from .CSV files. To learn how to export an excel document to .CSV, check out this link: How to export CSV files from Excel (

Your exported CSV file should have all your contact data spread across rows with each column being a specific field. An example is shown below.

First Name

Last Name


Cell Phone


Work Email









  1. Once you have your .CSV file you can upload it to homesync
  2. Click ‘Contacts’ in your navigation bar
  3. Click ‘Upload Contacts’ on the top right of your screen.
  4. Either drag and drop a csv file or click the box that says “Click here or Drag n’ Drop CSV file with your contacts”
  5. Your contacts will be uploaded.

Now that your contacts have been uploaded, you will need to connect your contact information to the fields available on homesync. The next screen will show several boxes for each column that was in your CSV file. Use the dropdown menu to designate which field each column should be associated with.

Many contact spreadsheets use the 1st row as a header for the columns. You can ignore the first row when you import by checking the “Would you like to skip the first row?” checkbox above your fields.

Once you have chosen your fields, click “Save Import” on the top right side of the screen to import your contacts to your homesync contact list.