Inviting Users to Your Profile

Homesync Business accounts give you the power to invite other users to help manage your social media profiles. After inviting users to your profile, you can also give them roles to limit them to certain tasks within your profile.

Requirements: Homesync Business.

To get started, the person you want to invite into your profile must also have a Homesync account. This account can be a Homesync Free account. To invite a user to your business profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you are in the business profile you want the user to be a part of
  2. Search for the users name and/or screen name in the search function.
  3. Open the user profile.
  4. Click 'Add User to { name of your business profile }' button under the users About section.


The user will then be added to your profile. Make sure to check out our help document on how to assign different roles and access to users within your profile.