Social Media as a Lead Generator

Social Media as a Lead Generator-hero-img

Leads are now generated in a variety of forms.

For decades having a directory of people to call, email, and meet would be a goldmine for a sales team. But times are changing and now social media can be an incredibly powerful tool to help generate some leads. Here are some recent statistics displaying how different companies performed when using social media for lead generation.




  • Social media pays off

    Social media is important to increasing your exposure and generating new sales. 92% of businesses say that social media is an important part of their business. Almost 95% of businesses have seen an increase of activity on social media surrounding their company after only spending 6 hours a week on it.


  • Twitter generates the most leads

    Twitter leads all social networks and generates 82% of business leads


  • LinkedIn best for conversion

    Linkedin has shown to be the most powerful platform when converting leads into sales with over 80% of leads turning into a sale compared to Facebook and Twitter, both under 15%.


  • Users like to connect with brands on Facebook

    People tend to look at their Facebook profiles at least 5 times a day and when they want to talk to a brand, they usually do it through Facebook as well. 80% of social network users prefer Facebook when trying to connect with brands.


  • Social Media provides marketplace insights

    Not only is social media great for lead generation, many businesses use it for marketplace insight to learn more about their customers and prospects. 69% of business found social media helpful in marketplace insight and research.


  • Pinterest is king in referral feedback

    Pinterest has quickly risen from fun network to a powerful business tool. Pinterest users spend 70% more time on a site compared to users referred from other social networks or search engines.


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