Making You and Your Brand Recognizable

Making You and Your Brand Recognizable-hero-img
Remember when you only had one social media account? Neither do we! Nowadays you're bound to have a Twitter account, a Facebook page, a LinkedIn page and more. While this is a good idea to make sure you're relevant on all platforms, it can also be a nightmare for your followers if you're not consistent across all of them. Here are a few keys to making sure you're doing things right:

Use the same name across different platforms

The goal on social media is to build your image, and to do that you need to make sure you're easy to find and recognizable. For example, if you're a real estate agent, the last thing you want is a Twitter account named '@isellhouses', a Facebook page named 'HousesDeluxe', and a Tumblr blog named 'House Pictures'. This makes it a nightmare for your followers to find you.

Unfortunately, for platforms like Twitter or Instagram, your name might already be taken. If this happens to you try to use a name like @the{companyname} or @thereal{companyname}. While this isn't ideal, it allows your followers to have an easier time finding you.

TLDR: When creating social media profiles, try to use a consistent name across all platforms.

Choosing Your Profile Picture

When it comes to your brand, the logical choice is to have your company logo as the profile picture. This is the right way to go, but there are still some things you need to consider like size, color, and font.

  • Size
    Social networks use your profile picture as the main picture on your page and as the thumbnail in each of your posts. While your logo may look great as the profile picture, many times it becomes unrecognizable or hard to read once it has been resized to a thumbnail. We recommend removing any small font and blowing up the logo for your profile picture.
  • Color
    Contrast is key to legibility. Make sure your profile picture has decent contrast so that it is legible. Using a bright yellow on a white background is already hard to read when it's on a large picture, but it's close to impossible once it's been resized to a thumbnail

Once you start using social media as a brand for your business, you need to make sure that your personal profiles are up to the task too. Keeping a similar or identical profile picture across all platforms is a good idea and helps followers identify you quickly. Our rule of thumb is: If you're using social media for business, all your profiles become business profiles.

Posting Content

Your followers will go to your pages expecting to see things related to your company and its services, so while you may find something interesting to post, it's not always pertinent to your page. Make sure that the content you post is always relevant to you, your brand, and your services. Keeping things up to date and interesting will keep your followers coming back for more

TLDR: Make sure you post content that is relevant.

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