6 Mistakes Realtors Make On Social Media

Improve your social media marketing by not making these 6 mistakes

6 Mistakes Realtors Make On Social Media-hero-img

Social media is fun. Whether you're on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat, sharing what you do and what your business offers is a great way to connect with people and build relationships. As a realtor, if done correctly, using social media can be one of your most powerful marketing tools. Unfortunately, there are many things that realtors do that are counter productive. Here are 10 mistakes that realtors commonly make on social media.

  1. Using a personal page instead of a business page.
    Many realtors change their personal page to read something like 'John Smith - Your Favorite Realtor'. Unfortunately, this is frowned upon and can lead to Facebook issues. Facebook explicitly states that personal Facebook pages cannot be used for commercial gain. By using your page like this, you run the risk of having your account flagged and having issues with Facebook. You also lose out on the many benefits of a business page if you're only using your personal page for marketing. Things like analytics, unlimited followers (you're limited to 5000 on your personal page), analytics and more are what differentiate failure and success on social media.

  2. Not posting engaging content.
    If you post something on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin and it gets 0 comments, 0 likes, 0 shares, and the analytics show it got very little reach, chances are what you wrote isn't very interesting. The key to having a post reach a large amount of people is to make sure that whatever you're writing is something your audience will be interested in. Try to keep your sales posts at about 20% of your total posting schedule and make sure the other 80% is things that people will want to talk about and share. Posting about your neighborhood, local restaurants, and local events are a great way to stir up engagement for realtors.

  3. Treating every social network the same.
    Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Snapchat are all completely different social networks and you should handle them individually. Using 'cross-polination' features that automatically share what you posted on one network to the other have been shown to decrease engagement. Make sure to schedule out your posts individually or using Homesync Smart Scheduling to make sure that each network is correctly posted to.

  4. Posting inconsistently.
    Consistency is key on social media. If you stop posting, people don't know if you're still a realtor or if you gave up on it. The most successful realtors are posting and connecting with people everyday on social media. Make sure to post everyday.

  5. Brand inconsistency.
    When people come across your pages on different social media platforms, you want to make sure that your branding is consistent so they can recognize you. Make sure you're using the same profile picture, screen names, and similar  biographies  on the different networks. For realtors, we recommend using a professional photographer instead of a logo.

  6. Not taking advantage of social network features.
    The best realtors we've seen on social media have spent some time to understand what each platform is capable of offering them. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn love to promote profiles and pages that are active and fully populated. Make sure you always fill out all the available fields and options for each of your profile. This can make it much easier for people to find you

If you avoid these mistakes, you can see your marketing success soar on social media. If you're a realtor and want to learn more about how Homesync can help you gain more business -> Check Out This Page.



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